

Friday, February 27, 2015

21 February 2015

21 February 2015

-deficient ( adjective )
·         Not having enough of a specific quality or ingredient
-She is deficient in carbohydrate in her body due to her unbalance diet.

-meagre ( adjective )
·         ( of something provided or available ) lacking in quantity or quality
-They were forced to supplement their meagre earning

-eschew ( verb )
·         Deliberately avoid using something, abstain from
-Her mother eschewed her daughter from going out by herself

-disdain ( nouns ) ( verb )
·         The feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one’s consideration or respect
-Her upper lip curled in disdain
·         Consider to be unworthy of one’s consideration
-He disdained his patients as an inferior rabble

-reverence ( nouns ) ( verb )
·         Deep respect for someone or something
-Rituals showed honour and reverence for the dead
·         Regard or treat with deep respect
-The many divine being reverence by Hindu tradition.

20 February 2015

20 February 2015

-concise ( adjective )
·         giving a lot of information clearly in a few words
-please make sure that your essay is concise

-enthral ( verb )
·         capture the fascinated attention of
-she had been so enthralled by the adventure she faced during the jungle-tracking.

-encumber-ed ( verb )
·         restrict or impede (someone or something) in such way @ restrict, restrain
-She was encumbered by the heavy skirt

-jargon ( nouns )
·         Special word or expressions used by a professional or group that is difficult for other to understand @ slang
-we usually use a common jargon among ourselves

-peasant ( nouns )
·         Agricultural worker, small farmer
-My father works as a peasant farmer

19 February 2015

19 February 2015

-teeming ( adjective )
·         Abundantly filled with especially living thing
-The garden near my house is teeming with wildlife

-devoid ( adjective )
·         entirely lacking or free from @ lacking, without
-Lisa kept her voice devoid of emotion

-fetter ( nouns ) ( verb )
·         a chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner, typically placed around the ankle
-He lay bound with fetters of iron
·         restrained with chain or manacle
-A ragged and fettered prisoner

-bound ( verb )
·         walk or run with leaping strides @ jump, bounce, hop, hurdle
-She was bounding down of the stairs

-thrall ( noun )
·         the state of being in someone’s power @ slave, servant
-He was in thrall to his powerful master

18 February 2015

18 February 2015

-plague ( nouns )
·         A serious infection of rodent ( sometimes fatal )
-Plague had been spread caused fatal among the people

-huff ( verb )
·         Inhale recreational drug
-the police caught the kids while they were huffing the glue.
·         Blow hard and loudly
-He huffed and puffed as he made his way up to the mountain

-Malefactor ( nouns )
·         Someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted @ criminal
-the malefactor run as fast as he could when the police chased him

-whelp ( nouns ) ( verb )
·         Young of any of various canines such as dog or wolf
-there are two cute whelps at her house.
·         Birth ( especially for dog )
-Chong’s dog whelped yesterday

·         ( law ) lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
-The circumstance mitigates the crime.
·         Make less severe or harsh
-He tries to mitigate the circumstance

17 February 2015

17 February 2015

-loopy ( adjective )
·         Informal or slang term meaning insane, strange, eccentric or stupid
-it used to drive my friend loopy

-clairvoyant ( nouns )
·         Perceiving thing beyond the natural range of sense @ paranormal
-to make such a confident prediction you would need to be clairvoyant

-hectic ( adjective )
·         marked by intense agitation or emotion
-yesterday, she worked at a hectic pace.

-dais ( nouns )
·         a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it @ podium
-Our beloved Prime Minister stood on the dais when he gave the speech yesterday.

-infest ( verb )
·         Invade in great number.
-The roaches infested our kitchen
·         Occupy in large numbers or live on a host
-The Kudzu plant infests much of the South and is spreading to the North
Live on or in the host, as a parasite

16 February 2015

16 February 2015

-choleric ( adjective )
·         easily moved to anger
-he usually kicks or smashes his enemy since he is a choleric type
·         quickly aroused to anger
-a choleric commander shouts at his subordinates fiercely.

-nurture ( verb )
·         help develop, help grow @ foster
-by practicing the steps of dance everyday, she nurtures her talent.
·         Provide for and care for during childhood @ bring up, raise
-love between siblings nurture a family.

-sedate ( verb )
·         Cause to be calm or quite as by administering a sedative to
-the patient must be sedated before the operation

-tractable ( adjective )
·         Easily managed ( controlled, taught or molded )
-not all the youngsters have a tractable mind.

-folly ( nouns )
·         The trait of acting stupidity or rashly
-he loved to do folly because it makes the people around him happy.

15 February 2015

15 February 2015

-pterodactyl ( nouns )
·         extinct flying reptile
-The archaeologist found the fossil of pterodactyl last year.

the illustration of pterodactyl

-vehemently ( adverb )
·         marked by extreme intensity of emotion o conviction; inclined to react violently; fervid
-He vehemently denied the accusation against him
·         characterized by great force of energy @ strong
-Only vehement people who can endure the suffer will survive in this deceitful world

-puke ( verb )
·         eject the content of the stomach through the mouth @ vomit
-after drinking too much water, that student suddenly puked.

-Satirical ( adjective )
·         exposing human folly to ridicule @ sarcastic
-that satirical boy always made the people around him

-pedantic ( adjective )
 marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspect @ donnish/academic
All his life he went on making pedantic jokes

Saturday, February 14, 2015


14 February 2015

“A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.”

-Alexander Pope-


Do we learn more from finding out that we have made mistakes or from our successful actions? Plan your response, and then write an essay.

Did we learn more from mistakes??

Or we learn more from our successful action ??

·         What is the topic?
·         What is the question?
·         What is your opinion?
·         What is your reason?

In our daily life, everyone cannot run from making a serious or silly mistake even the perfectionist. But, it is depend on that individual on how he wants to make the mistake either beneficial or not beneficial to himself. In my opinion, I believe that we learn more when we make mistake because we do not want to repeat the same mistake and try to improve ourselves.

The first reason people most likely will learn from their mistake is because it is a human nature that they wouldn’t want to keep repeating the same mistake. It is because when we are preventing ourselves from doing the same mistake that we know the consequence, eventually it will give a good impact on ourselves. For instance, a student who failed in his examination will try his best to get a better result in the next examination. He will not waste his time anymore just like before. On the other hand, the student who gets a flying colour result will never realize the mistake he did because the mistake does not affect him.

Besides, we also will learn more when we do mistake is because we will try our best to improve ourselves. When we do mistakes, basically we will be in uncomfortable zone compared to the person who is successful. Therefore, we will try by hook or by crook to make sure we are in a comfortable zone in the future and try to maintain it. For example, when we do some silly mistake when we are at work we might get scold by our superior or we might get fired. Thus, logically we will improve the quality of our work and we will discipline ourselves more.

To sum up, most of the people in this challenging world will learn more from their mistake compared to their success. It is prove when some of the successful person let their guard off and unfortunately they don’t even realize that their enemy will stab them from the back. In contrast, the people that make mistake will always be careful and alert to their surroundings.

349 words


12 February 2015

Before we start, let’s have some quiz

Where do you live?
Who is your neighbour?
What is their job?
Are they good to you?
How many people in their family?

If you are being ask that entire question, do you think that you can answer it confidently? I think the first question you can answer it confidently but the others you might need some time to answer it right?

Basically, it is because the people nowadays rarely spend their time with the people around them. It is not because they are selfish or what but it is due to their daily schedules that make it hard to them. They need to give the priority and full of commitment for their works in order to stabilize their finance.

So, that is just an introduction for my novel review for this week. For this week, I spend my precious time to read an entertaining story with a title ‘PSYCHIC NEXT DOOR’. First of all this story is about a woman name Rachel that had moved into a new house after she divorced. After that she found that the person who lived next door was a psychic. She was someone who didn’t believe toward something that related to magic or supernatural.

After a week passed, she suddenly found that she was attracted to Luc, the psychic. Unfortunately, at the same time many mysterious incidents occurred to her. She shared her problem with her friend, Polly. Everyday, she also heard the sound of growl in her house and it made her to feel so scared. Finally, Polly offered Rachel to come to her house. She gave Rachel a ‘special’ room. They suspect that Luc was the one who put curse on Rachel. Besides, Polly also told Rachel that Luc was her sister’s ex-boyfriend and her beloved sister died after they broke up.

The villain in this story is Lillian.

I was shock when I found that Lillian is still alive although everyone had claimed she was died two years ago. One of my friends asked me, do you sympathize to Lillian? I replied to her curtly, “Yes!”. In my point of view I think that Lillian is such a sadist because she obtained pleasure from inflicting pain on others. It is proved when she tried to hurt Rachel and Polly her younger sister by using a black magic just because she can’t get the love from Luc anymore. Therefore, she turned into a green-eyed monster. Logically, when someone hurt someone else, that person will share the pain especially when they hurt their own siblings. Just imagine, how much the pain that Lillian needed to endure just to get vengeance?

On top of that, I also sympathize her because she was left by her soul mate just because of her passion to unlock her curiosity about magic. For me, when someone is eager to gain knowledge, we supposedly give them support and not to condemn them. So, they will continue gaining knowledge and use them wisely in the future.


12 February 2015

TWILIGHT. When you first heard this word, what is the thing that came across your mind? Basically, when I first this word I thought it is some sort of source of light. Unfortunately, when I open my dictionary to find the real meaning of this ‘ TWILIGHT ‘ I found that it means the time of day immediately following sunset. So, in more simple word it is dusk.

it is so beautiful, isn't it??

For this week movie, I watched Twilight. This is the movie that was adapted from a popular novel written by Stephenie Meyer. Generally, I think that the genre of this movie is a romance between a human and a vampire. Bella Swan is an ordinary girl who falls in love with Edward Cullen who is a vampire.

the cover of the novel " TWILIGHT "

If I could change one thing about the material, it would be the ending of this movie. It is because in my opinion it is absurd for a human to be together with a vampire. It is due to the original behaviour or attitude of human itself. Human will avoid themselves to be exposed to danger. Everybody knows that vampire will drink the blood of its victim viciously. So, do you think that it is possible for a helpless human to be together with a cruel vampire?

 I also thought that the ending of this movie is too cliché. It is just like the other romance movie where the hero and heroine will be together despite all the difficulties that they had faced together. I think that it will be nice if it twist the ending a little bit. For example, make Edward Cullen, the vampire to drink the blood from Bella Swan cruelly. Although it will make some of the viewer a little bit frustrated, but I think the movie will become more interesting when the viewer can’t predict the ending of the story.

So, which type of ending do you prefer more??

14 February 2015

14 February 2015

-demerits ( nouns )
·         A mark against a person for misconduct of failure; usually given in school or armed force
-After he received ten demerits, he lost his privileges

-vengeance ( nouns )
·         the act of taking revenge ( harming someone in retaliation for doing sth harmful that they have done) especially in the future
-He swore vengeance on the man who betrayed him

-Amiably ( adverb )
·         in an affable manner
-“ Come and visit me, “ he said amiably

-petite ( adjective )
·         very small
-Everyone jealous with her petite figure

-clique ( nouns )
·         an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
-She is one of my cliques that I knew when I joined Red Crescent society

13 February 2015

13 February 2015

-extricate ( verb )
·         Released  from entanglement of difficulty
-I cannot extricate myself from this task

-homey ( adjective )
·         Having a feeling of home; cozy and comfortable
-after an hour, finally we found a homey little inn.

-curtly ( adverb )
·         In a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner
-he told me curtly to get on with it

-flinty ( adjective )
·         Showing unfeeling resistance to tender feeling
-He gave me his flinty gaze.

-nudged ( verb ) @ poke
·         To push against gently
-She nudged my elbow when she saw her friend enter the restaurant

12 February 2015

12 February 2015

-expanse ( nouns )
·         A wide scope
-we need the expanse of the plains
·         The extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary ( area )
-The expanse of a rectangle

-taboo ( adjective ) ( verbs )
·         Excluded from use or mention
-she will irritate when she heard her taboo words
·         Declare as sacred and forbidden
-she taboos the usage of word that can affect the peace of the country

-remnants ( nouns )
·         A small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exist
-She threw away the remnants of her lunch.

-squinting ( adjective ) ( verb )
·         Having eyes half closed in order to see better
-squinting eyes can help us to see something better
·         Cross one’s eyes as if in strabismus
-the children squinted so as to scare each other
·         Partly close one’s eyes when hit by direct blinding light
-the driver squinted as the sun hit his windshield

-yelp ( verb ) ( nouns )
·         Bark in a high-pitched tone
-The dog yelped when it saw a stranger tried to come into the house

11 February 2015

11 February 2015

-taciturn ( adjective ) @ untalkative
·         Habitually reserved and uncommunicative
-Calvin Coolidge was probably our most taciturn President

-growl ( Verb ) (  nouns )
·         To utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds
-He growled a rude response.
·         The sound of growling ( as made by animals )
-most of the carnivores make a growl sound.

-paradox ( nouns )
·         (logic) a statement that contradicts itself
-‘I always lie’ is a paradox because if it is true it must be false
·    A statement starting with something apparently true that lead to counterintuitive or unacceptable conclusion
·         A person or thing having contradictory properties

-rambunctious ( adjective )
·         Noisy and lacking in restrain or discipline
-A social gathering that becomes rambunctious and out of hand

-twilight ( nouns ) ( adjective )
·         The time of day immediately following sunset @ dusk
-He loved the twilight
·         A condition of decline following successes
-In twilight of the empire.
·         Lighted by or as if by twilight
-the twilight glow the sky

10 February 2015

10 February 2015

-sludgy ( adjective ) @ gunky
·         Viscous messy and often unpleasant
-In the disposal of sludgy or pasty wastes, the liquid contained in a loaded waste will excude

-tourniquet ( nouns )
·         Bandage that stop the flow of blood from an artery by applying pressure ( compression bandage )
-My mother wrapped my younger sister’s hand with tourniquet to stop the blood.

-frown ( verb ) ( Nouns )
·         Look angry or sullen, wrinkle one’s forehead as if to signal disapproval
-She frowned when suddenly her son said that he wanted to get marry.
·         A facial expression of dislike or displeasure
-she made a frown on her face as a signal of disapproval toward that idea.
(Frowning – adjective )

-perplex-ed ( adjective ) ( nouns )
·         Full of difficulty, confusion or bewilderment
-when I went to Japan last year, I realized that they use perplex language.
·         Be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly.
-These question perplex even the experts

-unmistakably ( adverb )
·         Without possibilities of mistakes
-This watercolour is unmistakably a synthesis of nature

9 February 2015

9 February 2015

-Eerily ( adverb )
·         In an unnatural every manner
-It is eerily quiet in the chapel

-yank ( verb ) ( nouns )
·         Pull, or move with a sudden movement @ jerk
-He turned the handle and yanked the door opened
·         An American who lives in the North ( especially during the American Civil War )
-He is one of the yanks that still survive after American Civil War.

-imperiously ( adverb )
·         In an imperious manner
( imperious ) –having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy.
-He cut her short imperiously.

-woven ( adjective )
·         Made or construct by interlacing thread or strip of material or other element into a whole
-the folk songs woven into a symphony
-The incident woven into the story
-she sold a lot of beautiful design of woven baskets

-mourners ( nouns )
·         A person who is feeling grief ( as grieving over someone who has died )
-she will go the house of the dead person as a mourner.

Friday, February 13, 2015


Without I realizing i has been almost one month i stay in KKTM Ledang, struggling as madpp's student. for the past one month, i has successfully overcome my homesickness a little bit. even the effect is not so significant but still it really help me to endure everything. 

i also try my best to get along with all my new classmates. sometimes, it's quite awkward to talk or work with the person that i never meet before. but i really hope i can solve this matter as soon as possible :) it is because i think when i can get along with all my new friends, it is so comfortable and a very conducive environment for me to study.

fighting... !!

quote for this special month :)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

8 February 2015

8 February 2015

-devastating ( verb )
·         Cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly
-The enemy devastate the countryside after the invasion
·         Overwhelm or overpower
-He was devastated by his grief when his son died

-vie ( verb )
·         Seek or strive for the same thing as someone else; engage in a contest
-Iran also faces japan as they vie for the Asian seat

-adore-d ( adjective ) ( verb )
·         Regarded with deep or rapturous love
-She adored her grandchildren
·         Love intensely
-He just adored his wife

-voila ( interjection )
·         There you are
-Voila, the cake is a masterpiece

-spiel ( verb )
·         Replay ( as a melody )
-I asked Sam to spiel that melody again.