

Friday, March 13, 2015

2 March 2015

2 March 2015

-obliterate-d ( verb )
·         Make for deletion, rub off, or erase
-Obliterated these line in the President’s speech
·         Remove completely from recognition or memory
-Obliterate the memory of the time in the camp

-penetrative ( adjective )
·         Having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinction @ perceptive
-She always has a penetrative observation when she was looking at something
·         Tending to penetrate; having the power of entering or piercing @ sharp
-a toxic penetrative spray applied to the surface

-radically ( adverb )
·         In a radical manner
-she took a radically different approach

-lusty ( adjective )
·         Endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health
-A lusty glow of health

-glorious ( adjective )
·         Having, deserving or conferring glory
-a long and glorious career
-it is our glorious literature
·         Characterized by grandeur
-A glorious work of art from Davinchi
·         Having great beauty and splendour
-today, is a glorious spring morning.

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