23 February 2015
-craze ( noun ) ( verb )
An interest followed with exaggerated zeal
-He always
follows the latest crazes
State of violence mental agitation @ delirium,
frenzy, fury, hysteria
Cause to go crazy; cause to lose one’s mind @
Develop a fine network of crack
-my mother sad
because of the crazed ceramic
-hurled ( verb )
Throw forcefully
Makes thrusting forward movement
Utter with force; utter vehemently
-she hurled insult to her friend
Eject the content of the stomach through the
-after eating a
lot, he hurled.
-squandering ( nouns ) ( verb )
Spending resource lavishly and wastefully
-it is more
wasteful that the squandering of
Spend thoughtlessly; throw away
-you squandered the opportunity to get an
advanced degree
-manure ( nouns )
Any animal or plant material used to fertilize
land especially animal excreta usually with litter material @ baja
-the farmer used manure to fertilize his farm.
Represented as greater than is true or
reasonable @ overdone
-an exaggerated opinion of oneself
Enlarge to an abnormal degree
-thick lenses exaggerated the size of her eyes
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