

Monday, March 23, 2015

23 March 2015

23 March 2015

-litigation ( nouns )
·         ( law ) a legal proceeding in a court; a judicial contest to determine and enforce legal right
-He got an injunction against vexatious litigation by his enemies

-catastrophe ( nouns )
·         An event resulting in great loss and misfortune
-The whole city was affected by the irremediable catastrophe
·         A state of extreme ( usually irremediable ) ruin and misfortune
-lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system
·         A sudden violent change in the earth’s surface
-due to the impact of meteoroid there was a catastrophe crater

-daunt-ing ( adjective ) ( verb )
·         Discouraging through fear
-China faces daunting internal challenges
·          Cause to lose courage
-he daunted by the refusal

-demise ( nouns )
·         The time when something ends
-it was the demise of all his plans

-adjudicate ( verb )
·         Hear a case and sit as the judge at a trial or hearing
-the judges adjudicated the trial.
·         Bring to an end; come to a final conclusion
-the father adjudicated when the sons were quarrelling over their inheritance

-catastrophic ( adjective )
·         Extremely harmful; bringing physical or financial ruin
-he suffered a catastrophic depression
-he needs to visit frequently because he is suffering a catastrophic illness

- parlour/palor ( nouns )
·         A shop or business premises
-my father had opened a new parlour last week.

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