

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

28 February 2015

28 February 2015

-massive ( adjective )
·         Imposing in size, bulk or solidity
-Moore’s massive sculpture
·         Being the same substance throughout
-he owned massive silver
·         Imposing in scale, scope, degree or power
-all the citizen are complaining about a massive increase in oil price

-fossilized ( adjective )
·         Set in a rigidly conventional pattern of behaviour, habits or belief @ inflexible
-He obsolete fossilized ways
·         Convert to a fossil
-the little animal fossilised and are now embedded in the limestone

-amber ( adjective ) ( nouns )
·         Of a medium to dark brownish yellow colour @ brownish-yellow
-when I was in America, my neighbour has a long straight amber hair.
·         A deep yellow colour
-An amber light illuminated the room

-overwhelming ( adjective )
·         So strong as to be irresistible
-an overwhelming majority
-the temptation to despair may become overwhelming
·         Very intense
-during her birthday party, she was overwhelming joy.

·         The feeling that comes when something burdensome is remove or reduced
-As he heard the news he suddenly felt relief
·         He condition of being comfortable or relieved ( especially after being relieved of distress
-he enjoyed his relief from responsibility
·         ( law ) redress awarded by a court
-Was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation from the past injury?
·         Someone who takes the place of another ( as when things get dangerous or difficult )
-the star had relief from dangerous scenes

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