

Friday, April 3, 2015

3 April 2015

3 April 2015

Do you know I am so happy today. It is because today, I am gonna publish my 100th post in this blog :) hehehe....

100 can carry various meaning. It can be a mark, the percentage of attention an so on.

Special Quote :
I've got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow this will work out in
 the end  -Larry Bird-

okay then, let's start again with our daily vocabulary...

-aloof ( adjective )
·         Remote in manner
-they stood apart with aloof dignity

-nuisance ( nouns )
·         Something or someone that cause annoyance
-I think that washing dishes at our restaurant was a nuisance since we still can get a dish washer
·         A bothersome annoying person
-that kid is a terrible nuisance

-ominous ( adjective )
·         Indicating evil intend or suggesting tragic development
-ominous rumbling of discontent
·         Presaging ill fortune
-a dead and ominous silence prevailed

-detrimental ( adjective )
·         ( sometime follow by to ) causing harm or injury
-that incident was detrimental to his career and reputation.

-reluctant ( adjective )
·         Unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom
-he gave me a reluctant smile.
·         Disinclined to become involved
-they were usually reluctant to socialize
·         Not eager
-some foreigners stubbornly reluctant to accept our ways

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