

Thursday, July 23, 2015


King George VI who suffer a stammer when to meet  Lionel Logue, an Australian speech and language therapist. Both of them become friend in order to cure King George VI disease after his brother abdicates the throne. King George VI totally relies on Logue to help him make his first wartime radio broadcast on Britain's declaration of war on Germany in 1939.

this watching material really help me as a student, it is because this movie is actually based on the true historical event. as madpp student, we need to take SAT examination. it really helpful because in our essay, we need to include some interesting information from history, current issues, personal experience and etc. so, i manage to include this event a few times n my essay and I get quite a good mark.

scholastic assessment test ( SAT )

other than being beneficial for me, i also learn that we need to believe in ourselves. being embarrass with ourselves doesn't solve even a single of our problem. it just make you feel to give up in everything you do without putting any effort before that. thus, i think that by believing in ourselves it eventually make  us more committed in everything we does because we know we can do it. we do not need to compare ourselves with other because everyone have their own strength and uniqueness. :)

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